Welcome to the official web site of the Topple family.


E-mail news about the Topple family  to or and it will be posted it on the what�s new page.

Thank you to Jason Held for encouraging me to create this site.

Thank you to Mike Roberts for tutoring me in the ways of the Internet.

Thank you to Dave Bishop for introducing me to a new web host making it easier to manage all my web sites.

This site has been created by  Gary Topple .

Read more about me at the Edwards Topple Saladino & Floch, LLP web site.


Home Page | What�s New | E-mail addresses | Family Portrait | Mom and Dad


� 1998-2006  Gary Topple


This is almost a picture of Gary's motorcycle.  Gary has a black and white 1996 Yamaha Virago 1100 Special.  Yamaha stopped making the "Special" in 1999.  For model years after 1999  Yamaha has eliminated the Virago 1100.  The only Viragos for year 2000 are the 535 and 250.  Yamaha has replaced the Viragos with the V-Star.  For the 2001 model year, the only Virago is the 250.

The above picture is a red 1999 Yamaha Virago 1100.  If you click on the picture it takes you to a larger picture on this web site.  One of these days I'll take some pictures of my bike and scan them into the web site.

This web site was last updated on July 04, 2006.